Wednesday 18 January 2012

How effective is the combinatinon of your main product and ancillary texts?

The combination of my promotional package works because not only have I been consistent throughout the different parts of the package but they each have their on components that make them work as a singularity aswell as a package. In order to keep the package consistent I have used the same actors and made sure that the female character has the most dominance throughout the package because she is the main character. From a multimedia approach, in my trailer I used a white flash as a transfer from reality to dreams and I used the white vignette on my poster design in order to create a ghostly feel and replicate the ideas used from my trailer. This is effective as it is a well-known stereotype and fits in with what I was trying to portray within the narrative. Another thing I did in order to keep the consistency was the romantic feel the audience gets from each of my products. I made sure the positioning of the characters implied some form of connection between them and this was effective as it is not only an important stereotype of the romantic genre, but it is important to make the narrative from the trailer come across in the print-based products.

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