Wednesday 21 September 2011

Focus Group

For this presentation i used Microsoft Powerpoint to ask the questions to my target audience. Only 15 people arrived to the presentation out of a possible 20.
From this focus group, i have deduced that my target audience would watch a film with a storyline based around crime and supernatural phenomena. I will base it around the genre of Supernatural Drama. The most popular idea that came through in my research was the idea of an arsonist whose life is changed when he meets a strange girl. Also when designing the film trailer, it should be "explosive", as in fast and a lot happening at once, I shouldn't show off everything from the story and most importantly should heavily show the genre of the film and the attributes of the main character. This character should be relatable, good-looking and modernized as this is what my target audience would like to see. I should show alot of physical and emotional conflict between the characters that are shown in the trailer which should only be about a minute long.

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