Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Red Riding Hood Film Trailer (28th Sept)

The usage of sound in this video combines ambient, diegetic and non-diegetic. Up until 0:21 the music is used to create a sense of security and happiness because this flows with whats going in the trailer. It also seems to be a little eerie. However once it has gone past this point the ambient sound chages to a more frightening sound that has alot of base in it and contains growling from the werewolf. Afterwards there is clash between the diegetic dialogue coming from the actors and a sound that creates a sense of fear. The song used throughout the rest of the trailer is by a band called Fever Ray called "The Wolf".

 There are a couple of times in the trailer that the most intimidating characters of the film who both seem to have a dark secret which is shown by the low key lighting on the one side of their faces but a high key lighting on the other. This not only shows the personality of the character but implies to the audience that he is possibly evil.

This image uses a low key lighting to evoke a mysterious/scary mood as the audience don't know who these people are and their relevance to the film. It also creates the time of nightfall. The contrast between the white horses and the darkness itself shows that they might be the typical "knight in shining armour".

The lighting used in this part of the trailer, created by the fire, creates shadows on the actors faces creating a more passionate mood and possibly mysterious as the audience don't know whats going to happen next or if they are going to kiss.

Most of the trailer uses natural lighting to show that its daytime, nothing serious is happening or the characters are inside a house. In this scene there is a sense of happiness because of the natural lighting as it is showing off every part of the forest.

The trailer tends to fade out and in quite a lot as its showing a passage of time or change in setting There is also a usage of superimposition during the scene's where the main character and the man she's in love with are together at the beginning of the trailer creating a sense of love and how special it is.

In the first few seconds of the trailer, you mainly see the 2 main characters in close proximity with lots of long shots. A reason for the long shots especially in the first few seconds is to set the scene and to show off the main characters red overcoat/cloak. It then changes to a bird's eye view, establishing shot when the villagers have found a dead body as this tells the audience an important part of the storyline.

This is titled upwards to make the audience feel as if they are looking up to him therefore giving this character power and importance.
The main character tends to have a lot of close-ups on their face, mainly for reaction and to show their inner feelings. This is an important feature for any film trailer because the audience wants to get to know the main character for who they are.

This is an important visual image for the audience because not only does it strike fear and possibly mystery but it reflects the theme of the storyline - werewolf's. This is a close-up of the actual picture.

This is close-up but it is also a 2-shot. There are a couple of these used in the film trailer implying how close the 2 characters are on screen and their relationship.

At this point in the trailer, the audience see's the hunter looking down on everybody in the village from his house, however the camera zooms into the window to show his face as a close-up.

Straight from the first second of the trailer, the audience knows the main character(Valerie) is Red Riding Hood and the setting of the film (a village near a forest). From Valerie's clothing, the audience can tell that she seems to be of a higher social class than the man she is in love with. The clothing from the rest of the villagers indicates a medieval period, however the character Father Auguste has a more clothing thats from an upper class or even representing a knight or royalty. Another way of telling the time period in this film trailer is the use of setting as their houses are made of wood and their way of producing light is through using fires. Also when the characters are riding through the forest on white horses it implies knighthood and because the horses are white they show purity and trust.

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